
In an era where information is abundant, libraries provide critical guidance in navigating the sea of knowledge.

Introduction to Information Overload

We live in a time of unprecedented access to information. Libraries stand at the forefront of helping individuals manage this deluge of data.

Basics of Information Overload

Information overload refers to the difficulty in understanding an issue and effectively making decisions when one has too much information about that issue.

Content on Information Navigation

Libraries offer tools such as databases, workshops, and personalized reference services to help users sift through and find credible information.

Personal Viewpoint

As a librarian, I advocate for the necessity of libraries in teaching critical information literacy skills to help users discern and manage information.


The role of libraries as guides through the maze of information has never been more crucial than in today's digital age.

Elizabeth Carlton
Elizabeth Carlton is a seasoned librarian with over a decade of experience working in various public and academic libraries. Her passion for literature extends into her personal life where she hosts a monthly book club. Elizabeth holds a Master's degree in Library Science and has contributed articles to prominent library journals.
Elizabeth Carlton is a seasoned librarian with over a decade of experience working in various public and academic libraries. Her passion for literature extends into her personal life where she hosts a monthly book club. Elizabeth holds a Master's degree in Library Science and has contributed articles to prominent library journals.

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